How to have an A+ retirement

S.F. Ehrlich Associates |

June 30, 2022

A successful retirement is about so much more than no longer working at a job. To put you on the right path, the AARP Bulletin1 recently published a list of nine questions. As they write: “Ace these 9 questions and you’ll be doing just fine.”

  1. “Would you recognize your primary care physician if you saw her on the street? Regular checkups can save and lengthen your life.” And Medicare pays for it!
  1. “What about your dentist? Could you pick him out of a lineup? Dental care is more important than just for keeping your teeth…Inflammation of the gums, for example, has been linked to heart disease.”
  1. “When was the last time you tired yourself out? Best answers: Yesterday or today...Seek at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity most days of the week; a brisk walk, salsa dancing, or gardening will do the trick.”
  1. “Picture your parents or grandparents living in your home. Would you worry about them getting around safely? If you’re not up to making aging-in-place renovations…keep accessibility and mobility in mind for your next home.”
  1. “Would you like your neighborhood if you couldn’t drive? Could you still access your needs? Would you be able to buy groceries? Are family or friends nearby? Do you feel a sense of community?”
  1. “OK, you’re retired. What will you be doing next Monday? If you’re not yet retired, can you name three activities or projects you’re ready to get started on? Studies make clear that the more active and purpose-driven your retirement, the happier and longer it can be.”
  1. “Add up (or estimate) your monthly retirement expenses. Then add up your monthly retirement income (Social Security, pensions, regular saving withdrawals and such)...The math is simple. Retirement money management boils down to enough money coming in to cover routine expenses, and a savings stash for emergencies.”
  1. “What two assisted living facilities are closest to where you live? A little research now can save a lot of angst later…So find out what’s available in your area, as well as what the costs are, so you will have a starting point if you end up needing help. Also, investigate the home care agencies in your area, and what their rates are.”
  1. “How many people could you call if you were sick or scared in the middle of the night? One is sufficient…Getting involved in activities you care about can bring you in contact with new people you have things in common with.”



Lankford, Kimberly. “How to Have an A+ Retirement - Ace These Nine Questions and You'll Be Doing Just Fine.” AARP Bulletin, June 2022, p. 26.
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